3 D Smith Machine LC 7000 - The Ultimate Strength Training Device with Versatile Features

2023-06-26 11:11:09 By : admin
, Fitness Equipment, Strength Training

Looking for a workout equipment that combines safety and versatility? Look no further than the 3D Smith Machine – a revolutionary piece of fitness equipment created to make your workout more effective and efficient.
3 D SMITH MACHINE- LC 7000 - Metagenics Fitness Inc. Vancouver

What makes the 3D Smith Machine stand out from the crowd is its unique patented 3D barbell motion, which allows for an almost unlimited array of exercises. Unlike traditional Smith Machines that move only vertically, the LC 7000 moves both vertically and horizontally, offering a natural, unlimited, user-defined motion that lets you work out on all planes of motion.

With adjustable safety spotters included, the 3D Smith Machine makes it safe and easy to perform exercises even when lifting solo. With a simple twist of the wrist, the weight bar is securely racked into place, giving you complete peace of mind as you focus on your workout.

The 3D Smith Machine is also incredibly easy to use. With its easy transitions, setting up for your next exercise has never been easier. Simply raise or lower the bar to the desired starting position, add your chosen weight, and start lifting. The bar and safety spotters move along with you, just like a power rack, allowing you to work out more efficiently and effectively.

The versatility of the 3D Smith Machine makes it the perfect addition to any strength training regimen. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting out, this equipment makes it easy to add variety to your workouts, keeping your muscles constantly challenged and helping you reach your fitness goals.

But don't just take it from us – try the 3D Smith Machine for yourself and see the difference it can make in your workouts. Say goodbye to boring, one-dimensional exercises and hello to a more dynamic, challenging workout experience.

If you're looking to take your workouts to the next level, there's no better investment than the 3D Smith Machine. Safe, versatile, and efficient, this piece of fitness equipment is sure to become a staple in your strength training routine. So why wait? Start lifting with the 3D Smith Machine today and discover the difference it can make for your fitness journey.